Contemporary Auditing and Certification
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Contemporary Auditing and Certification

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Contemporary Auditing and Certification

The firm has rich and wide exposure of Internal / Statutory Audit of Limited / Private Companies, Govt. Organisation, Nationalised Banks, Non-Profit Organisation, Shares and Stocks Brokers, Commodities Exchange Members etc. required under provisions of Various Acts. Since the corporate world has become hi-tech and every transaction is being made with the help of computers thereby we also conduct audit using specified CAAT (Computer Assisted Audit Techniques).

Auditing being the basic profession of CA firm, therefore we have conducted audit of nationalized banks as Central Statutory Auditors and various Rural and Urban branches where advances had been more than Rs. 500.00 Corers.

Certificates are issued under various Acts and rules for getting benefits under various government policies and schemes. It includes all types of Certificates as required by RBI for making foreign remittances, Expense Certification for getting Govt. Grants, etc.

We provide specialised services for investigation such as special audits etc.

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A consultant is usually an expert or an experienced professional in a specific field and has a wide knowledge of

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A consultant is usually an expert or an experienced professional in a specific field and has a wide knowledge of

Best Strategists Around

A consultant is usually an expert or an experienced professional in a specific field and has a wide knowledge of